Daniel Foreman

Daniel Foreman

Team Manager

Born - 13 December 1985. 

Hometown - Ballarat, Victoria.

Board - Pro 95.

Stance - Gangsta or ugly goofy. 

Fav ride style - Down hill/ boarder cross. 

Dream ride location - Emerald mountainboard park! 

Fav music - Boy sets fire, 1208 all the good old stuff.

Fav film - Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. 

Fav food - Turkish delights, steak cheese & bacon pie and custard tarts. 

Fav Bev - Canadian club Captain Morgans. 

How did you get into the sport? Made my first board and then meet up with Ryan "mad dog" Slater and the boys.

Fav thing about mountainboarding? It's my way of escaping from my responsibilities and giving Dylan "Radface" Warren a headache.

What do you do outside of mountainboarding? DANSCAPES!!!! 

What it means to be the Team Manager? It means IM THE BOSS BOYS!!! It basically means I'm cactus and my best days are behind me. 

What you do to get the boys pumped up? Pseudoephedrine! No I like to keep the boys in good spirits and try and give them the infrastructure they need to keep pushing themselves. 

Where you'd like to see mountainboarding go? We have a lot of open land here in Australia and our weather conditions allow us to ride almost all year I'd like to make mountainboards as household as skateboards. I realize that's crazy but that's what I want. 

Who are your 3 favourite Mountainboarders?  Kody Steward, Dylan 'Radface' Warren and Tom Kirkman. 

Facebook page? Daniel Foreman

Perfect death? 3m high vertical berm 80ms long at 120 clicks!