Daniel Packer

Daniel Packer

Born - 21 August 1989.

Hometown - Berwick, Victoria.

Board - Tom Kirkman Pro.

Stance - Regular.

Fav ride style - Street.

Dream ride location - America.

Fav music - Hardcore/metal.

Fav film - Star Wars.

Fav food - Burritos/ Mexican.

Fav Bev - Beer.

Sponsors - MBS.

How did you get into the sport? Dylan Radface Warren introduced me to it.

Who are your 3 fav mountainboarders? Dylan Warren, Andy Milenkovic and Rhys Crilly.

Fav thing about mountainboarding? The ability to be able to ride anywhere and the fact that it is an up and coming sport.

What do you outside mountainboarding? Music, cars, art, party.